Hello to all, Toby and Kyle went to Eggleston this week for chemo Thurs., and Fri., got home yesterday afternoon, this completes number 6 of 12. They are not going to do chemo for the next 2 weeks. Kyle will be having surgery soon to cut the bone and replace it with plastic and as he grows they will do more surgeries to compensate the growth. Eggleston did another MRI 2 weeks ago, told Toby they found a new spot below his knee, same leg, said it could be cancer and it could not be, but it was not there on his previous MRI. I suppose during surgery they will biopsy the new place below his knee. This morning Kyle was running a fever of 102, so they are on their way back to Eggleston. Please continue to pray for Kyle, little fellow is going thru a heck of a lot. Just so glad we have a friend in JESUS. Toby's car tore up Tues., of this week, so he has rented a car to go back and forth to Eggleston till we can get his car back up running. I will keep updating when I find something more out about surgery in a couple of weeks. Love to you all, and many thanks to all. TEAM KYLE is not giving up, we will get thru all of this, of course with GOD on our side what do we have to fear. Paula
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
His Kingdom Can NOT be Shaken
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Friday, February 11, 2011
The Song "Flags" by Brooke Fraser...check it
These lyrics are just amazing...read them and then download it on your ipod ASAP!
Flags by Brooke Fraser
Come, tell me your trouble
I'm not your answer
But I'm a listening ear
Reality has left you reeling
All facts and no feeling
No faith and all fear
I don't know why a good man will fall
While a wicked one stands
And our lives blow about
Like flags on the land
Who's at fault is not important
Good intentions lie dormant
And we're all to blame
While apathy acts like an ally
My enemy and I are one and the same
I don't know why the innocents fall
While the monsters still stand
And our lives blow about
Like flags on the land
I don't know why our words are so proud Yet their promise so thin
And our lives blow about
Like flags in the wind
You who mourn will be comforted
You who hunger will hunger no more
All the last shall be first
Of this I am sure
You who weep now will laugh again
All you lonely be lonely no more
Yes, the last will be first
Of this I'm sure
I don't know why the innocents fall
While the monsters stand
I don't know why the little ones thirst
But I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
My thoughts
One of the greatest ladies in the world...Mrs. Vicki Tipps...shared this song with me this weekend and the words hit me like a ton of bricks...kinda left me holding my breathe until the song was over because the words are so piercing. She shared this song with me at the perfect time.
Last night...Gentry shared with me that the surgery didn't help Abigail's right hip. I can't imagine how Gentry and Matt felt as they got this news...how incredibly frustrating for her to go through the surgery and therapy and it not work the way it was suppose to. Honestly...I was angry...I watched her go through the pain, I watched Gentry and Matt work together for months upon months to take care of sweet Abigail (while she was in the cast, taking care of her was a two person job while in the cast), I watched them work together to figure out how to give her a bath with the cast on, I watched them figure out how to get her in and out of the car safely, I watched them help each other change her diaper so that she would be in the least amount of pain as possible, I watched them figure out the exact way to make Abigail comfortable in the crib so she would be able to sleep well, etc.... Unless you were in the house, you can't imagine what a trial this was for them all and to hear that her right hip didn't do what it was suppose to do and that she may have to face surgery again made me angry...I mean real angry but then I listened to this song again and held my breathe through the whole song again and this is what I got out of it...
I don't know a lot of things, I don't know many answers, I don't know why some things happen the way they do, I don't understand why Abigail's sweet little right hip has to still be out of place after all she went through but God reminded me that I don't need to know the answers and I need to just call out over Abigail and the rest of these amazing children exactly what I do know and that is...
You who mourn will be comforted
You who hunger will hunger no more
All the last shall be first
Of this I am sure
You who weep now will laugh again
All you lonely be lonely no more
Yes, the last will be first
Of this I'm sure
I don't know why the innocents fall
While the monsters stand
I don't know why the little ones thirst
But I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
Flags by Brooke Fraser
Come, tell me your trouble
I'm not your answer
But I'm a listening ear
Reality has left you reeling
All facts and no feeling
No faith and all fear
I don't know why a good man will fall
While a wicked one stands
And our lives blow about
Like flags on the land
Who's at fault is not important
Good intentions lie dormant
And we're all to blame
While apathy acts like an ally
My enemy and I are one and the same
I don't know why the innocents fall
While the monsters still stand
And our lives blow about
Like flags on the land
I don't know why our words are so proud Yet their promise so thin
And our lives blow about
Like flags in the wind
You who mourn will be comforted
You who hunger will hunger no more
All the last shall be first
Of this I am sure
You who weep now will laugh again
All you lonely be lonely no more
Yes, the last will be first
Of this I'm sure
I don't know why the innocents fall
While the monsters stand
I don't know why the little ones thirst
But I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
My thoughts
One of the greatest ladies in the world...Mrs. Vicki Tipps...shared this song with me this weekend and the words hit me like a ton of bricks...kinda left me holding my breathe until the song was over because the words are so piercing. She shared this song with me at the perfect time.
Last night...Gentry shared with me that the surgery didn't help Abigail's right hip. I can't imagine how Gentry and Matt felt as they got this news...how incredibly frustrating for her to go through the surgery and therapy and it not work the way it was suppose to. Honestly...I was angry...I watched her go through the pain, I watched Gentry and Matt work together for months upon months to take care of sweet Abigail (while she was in the cast, taking care of her was a two person job while in the cast), I watched them work together to figure out how to give her a bath with the cast on, I watched them figure out how to get her in and out of the car safely, I watched them help each other change her diaper so that she would be in the least amount of pain as possible, I watched them figure out the exact way to make Abigail comfortable in the crib so she would be able to sleep well, etc.... Unless you were in the house, you can't imagine what a trial this was for them all and to hear that her right hip didn't do what it was suppose to do and that she may have to face surgery again made me angry...I mean real angry but then I listened to this song again and held my breathe through the whole song again and this is what I got out of it...
I don't know a lot of things, I don't know many answers, I don't know why some things happen the way they do, I don't understand why Abigail's sweet little right hip has to still be out of place after all she went through but God reminded me that I don't need to know the answers and I need to just call out over Abigail and the rest of these amazing children exactly what I do know and that is...
You who mourn will be comforted
You who hunger will hunger no more
All the last shall be first
Of this I am sure
You who weep now will laugh again
All you lonely be lonely no more
Yes, the last will be first
Of this I'm sure
I don't know why the innocents fall
While the monsters stand
I don't know why the little ones thirst
But I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
I know the last shall be first
And then...I just need to leave the rest up to God.
First Update-Abigabagoo!
This is from Abigail's Caringbridge site...wanted to share the doctor's report on Abigail's hip surgery so everyone can pray for her!
Gentry's entry on Abigail's caringbridge
Today I took Abigail to the orthopedic dr for a check up. It has been around five months since her hip surgery last Sept. They took an X-ray of her hips and discovered that her right hip is not forming correctly despite the surgery. The ball is not in the socket and her body has a slight curve because of it. I asked, why and how it could do this with plates in her hips to stop this very thing from happening. The dr said that our brain is very powerful and for some reason her brain is telling her to hold her leg a certain way that makes her hip come out of the socket. So, she prescribed a "wedge" for her to sleep with for three months until our next check up. This wedge is is to go between her legs to keep her hips in the correct position to hold her ball and socket together and hopefully this will correct the problem. So, she will be sleeping with her legs in a open position as if she had a pizza slice between her legs. If this wedge doesn't work then she will have to have a cast. Yuck. If that doesn't work she might have to have surgery again down the road. Double yuck. Her left leg looked great! The dr said to keep on with all of her therapy and using her stander at home as long as it doesn't seem painful. I don't think she is in pain. She might not be able to talk but she can communicate when she doesn't like something.
Please pray that this wedge works and that she will tolerate it while still being able to sleep.
I just have to share this...Gentry called me today and gave Abigail the phone and I was talking to her in our own little language and then Abigail said "Ba Ba" on the phone (which is what she calls me)...usually I have to coach her into saying it but she just said on the phone like there was nothing to it...talk about melting my heart...good thing we were not at Wal-Mart because I would have gotten her any toy she wanted! I love this girl.
She was also in a really good mood and was laughing so hard that I had to ask Gentry if she was laughing or crying. The child was hilarious...she kept taking the phone from Gentry and throwing it across the room and busting out laughing...which made me bust out laughing...which made Gentry bust out laughing until Abigail threw the phone a little lower than usual and busted Gentry in the mouth...oops!
Please pray for her as well because she has a little sinus infection...I am sure she is fast asleep right now and may have pulled her wedge off her legs so she probably looks like this...one of my favorite pictures...I wish I could just jump through the computer screen and pick her up so I could cuddle with her!
Second Update
Like I said...100% of the money given to this foundation goes straight to these special people and their families. The foundation has given money to a church that will be re-doing an entire house for a Lady who is taking care of 2 special needs children and a special needs mother. After the house is completed and made wheel chair and handicap accessible...this sweet lady will be able to take her mother out of the nursing home and bring her home with the rest of her family where she longs to be...AMAZING! I think it is incredible what this church is doing...talk about taking the church out of the four walls and truly helping people. This house is going to change this families life. I will update with pictures as soon as I can.
Third Update
As the money flows into the foundation...we continue to keep the flow going straight to the families. A huge need was brought to my attention about a week ago that I would have never ever thought of and I am not going to share all of the details at this time because I am going to share another blog about it later but a family shared with me that they are saving money to provide a special needs fund for their child. I had no clue what a special needs fund is but basically the fund is a lot different then for the other children. In the case that something were to happen to the child's parents...the special needs fund will be set up so that the child will be taken care of medically so that in no case the medical bills or therapies will be a financial burden on the people the parents have chosen to take care of their children. Most importantly...if a special needs fund is not set up and the chosen guardians can not pay for the medical bills, surgeries, etc... then the state could take the child and place them in an institution...what a complete nightmare that would be for the parents. So...the foundation has also given money to an amazing family to help with this special needs will.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of you that have given money for this foundation to help the most wonderful children in the world. Here are some pictures of the kids I want to share because they are just so darn precious...
This is from Abigail's Caringbridge site...wanted to share the doctor's report on Abigail's hip surgery so everyone can pray for her!
Abigail is a little gymnast and there is no pizza wedge in the world that is going to stop her from flipping in her bed at night!!! Nothing stops this cute Little Trooper!!!
Gentry's entry on Abigail's caringbridge
Today I took Abigail to the orthopedic dr for a check up. It has been around five months since her hip surgery last Sept. They took an X-ray of her hips and discovered that her right hip is not forming correctly despite the surgery. The ball is not in the socket and her body has a slight curve because of it. I asked, why and how it could do this with plates in her hips to stop this very thing from happening. The dr said that our brain is very powerful and for some reason her brain is telling her to hold her leg a certain way that makes her hip come out of the socket. So, she prescribed a "wedge" for her to sleep with for three months until our next check up. This wedge is is to go between her legs to keep her hips in the correct position to hold her ball and socket together and hopefully this will correct the problem. So, she will be sleeping with her legs in a open position as if she had a pizza slice between her legs. If this wedge doesn't work then she will have to have a cast. Yuck. If that doesn't work she might have to have surgery again down the road. Double yuck. Her left leg looked great! The dr said to keep on with all of her therapy and using her stander at home as long as it doesn't seem painful. I don't think she is in pain. She might not be able to talk but she can communicate when she doesn't like something.
Please pray that this wedge works and that she will tolerate it while still being able to sleep.
I just have to share this...Gentry called me today and gave Abigail the phone and I was talking to her in our own little language and then Abigail said "Ba Ba" on the phone (which is what she calls me)...usually I have to coach her into saying it but she just said on the phone like there was nothing to it...talk about melting my heart...good thing we were not at Wal-Mart because I would have gotten her any toy she wanted! I love this girl.
She was also in a really good mood and was laughing so hard that I had to ask Gentry if she was laughing or crying. The child was hilarious...she kept taking the phone from Gentry and throwing it across the room and busting out laughing...which made me bust out laughing...which made Gentry bust out laughing until Abigail threw the phone a little lower than usual and busted Gentry in the mouth...oops!
Please pray for her as well because she has a little sinus infection...I am sure she is fast asleep right now and may have pulled her wedge off her legs so she probably looks like this...one of my favorite pictures...I wish I could just jump through the computer screen and pick her up so I could cuddle with her!
Second Update
Like I said...100% of the money given to this foundation goes straight to these special people and their families. The foundation has given money to a church that will be re-doing an entire house for a Lady who is taking care of 2 special needs children and a special needs mother. After the house is completed and made wheel chair and handicap accessible...this sweet lady will be able to take her mother out of the nursing home and bring her home with the rest of her family where she longs to be...AMAZING! I think it is incredible what this church is doing...talk about taking the church out of the four walls and truly helping people. This house is going to change this families life. I will update with pictures as soon as I can.
Third Update
As the money flows into the foundation...we continue to keep the flow going straight to the families. A huge need was brought to my attention about a week ago that I would have never ever thought of and I am not going to share all of the details at this time because I am going to share another blog about it later but a family shared with me that they are saving money to provide a special needs fund for their child. I had no clue what a special needs fund is but basically the fund is a lot different then for the other children. In the case that something were to happen to the child's parents...the special needs fund will be set up so that the child will be taken care of medically so that in no case the medical bills or therapies will be a financial burden on the people the parents have chosen to take care of their children. Most importantly...if a special needs fund is not set up and the chosen guardians can not pay for the medical bills, surgeries, etc... then the state could take the child and place them in an institution...what a complete nightmare that would be for the parents. So...the foundation has also given money to an amazing family to help with this special needs will.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of you that have given money for this foundation to help the most wonderful children in the world. Here are some pictures of the kids I want to share because they are just so darn precious...
Austin (I know he is not a kid but he is still so darn precious or rather a complete Stud)
Charlie making Sam laugh...so precious!
Colin has the sweetest smiles!
Beautiful Ava!
Kyle the Rockstar!
Little Musician...Gabby!
And this is Austin as a little Stud...sorry Austin...I had to post the picture...it is so cute!
This is little Charlie (Sam's twin bro)...Charlie says..."Peace out until next time!"
Monday, February 7, 2011
Ava Bullard
Beautiful Ava...

This is one of the most INCREDIBLE families you will ever meet in your entire life. Noah and Anna are the parents of these three beautiful little girls. Their middle child (pictured on her mom's lap), Ava...was diagnosed with Autism but because of the programs and therapies her parents got her involved in, she is no longer considered Autistic...AMAZING! Did you know that no insurance covers children with Autism...NONE! Anna and I will be talking in the next few weeks and I will be able to give everyone more information on how we can work together to help bring insurance to children with Autism, more on Ava's amazing story, and how this foundation can help set up programs in our community like Ava was blessed to attend. There is so much hope for these children. Autistic children can lead perfectly normal lives and we just have to make people aware of the programs and therapies these children can be a part of.

Are they not just the most precious and sweetest sisters?!!!!!

This is one of the most INCREDIBLE families you will ever meet in your entire life. Noah and Anna are the parents of these three beautiful little girls. Their middle child (pictured on her mom's lap), Ava...was diagnosed with Autism but because of the programs and therapies her parents got her involved in, she is no longer considered Autistic...AMAZING! Did you know that no insurance covers children with Autism...NONE! Anna and I will be talking in the next few weeks and I will be able to give everyone more information on how we can work together to help bring insurance to children with Autism, more on Ava's amazing story, and how this foundation can help set up programs in our community like Ava was blessed to attend. There is so much hope for these children. Autistic children can lead perfectly normal lives and we just have to make people aware of the programs and therapies these children can be a part of.

Are they not just the most precious and sweetest sisters?!!!!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Kyle Abernathy
First of all...I want to thank you all for the money that you have so lovingly given to the foundation. I can not wait to update you all on how the children are progressing and living life to the fullest on a daily basis.
Secondly...I want to introduce you to another precious child of this foundation ten year old Kyle Abernathy. He has been diagnosed with with Ewing's Sarcoma which is a malignant round-cell tumor. It is a rare disease in which cancer cells are found in the bone or in soft tissue.

He is a precious little boy and he is going through so much...it is so sad to see him go through all of this when he is normally an outgoing little boy who loves to be active and now his life has to slow down. His father's name is Toby Abernathy and he is an amazing father who is there by his son's side every step of the way. Please pray for Kyle and his dad Toby and the rest of his family. I wish I time to write more right now but I will be back on later to tell you more about him.
This picture was taken 2 years ago on the 4th of July. He loves the water and I taught him to knee-board that day and he was better at knee-boarding in one day than I am and I have been knee-boarding for years. He is such a great kid and I know he will beat this cancer and will be back on the water before long!
Secondly...I want to introduce you to another precious child of this foundation ten year old Kyle Abernathy. He has been diagnosed with with Ewing's Sarcoma which is a malignant round-cell tumor. It is a rare disease in which cancer cells are found in the bone or in soft tissue.

He is a precious little boy and he is going through so much...it is so sad to see him go through all of this when he is normally an outgoing little boy who loves to be active and now his life has to slow down. His father's name is Toby Abernathy and he is an amazing father who is there by his son's side every step of the way. Please pray for Kyle and his dad Toby and the rest of his family. I wish I time to write more right now but I will be back on later to tell you more about him.
This picture was taken 2 years ago on the 4th of July. He loves the water and I taught him to knee-board that day and he was better at knee-boarding in one day than I am and I have been knee-boarding for years. He is such a great kid and I know he will beat this cancer and will be back on the water before long!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Austin "The Stud" Belcher
Here is "The Stud"..."The Chick Magnet"..."Cutest Smile Award"...Mr. Austin Belcher! Austin is a Georgia Fan but I won't hold it against him this year since Auburn is clearly the best!
This story is not about me but like any good story, I have to give some background information before I tell the rest of this life-changing story. I grew up in the First Baptist Youth group and that is where I met and became friends with Austin. The first time I met him, he made me laugh so hard that I could hardly breathe. The dude was hilarious. Everyone loved Austin....he was one of those people who just carried a good vibe and made everyone feel special. I am using past tense words right now such...was and loved because what I am telling in the beginning of this post is talking about Austin before his wreck.
Kaleb Moore and I were interns for the First Baptist youth the summer before we headed to college and Austin quickly became our favorite teenager in the group but don't tell anyone that because we probably were not suppose to have favorites but the truth is the truth so I must post it! We went to Boston that summer on Mission Tour (the youth choir of First Baptist pick a different state every year and sing at all kinds of different places). We flew to Boston and then drove a charter bus back home. I don't remember everywhere we sang, I don't remember a lot of the people we met, and I don't remember getting much sleep but I do remember hanging out with Austin and Kaleb the whole time and I do remember that I probably laughed more in that week chillin' with Austin and Kaleb than I did the whole year. I laugh a lot people but this was gut-wrenching, stomach cramping, gasping for breathe, tears streaming out of my eyes laughter. We had the best time. Austin and I also had to do a skit together on tour and I am not sure how we got through the skit without laughing...ok, so sometimes we didn't get through the skit without laughing but all in all the people in the audience got the point out of our skit...well we hope they did...ha!
Austin not only had to sing on tour and do a skit but he also played the bass. The dude can play the bass! He was awesome at it and had a glow about him while playing music. He also played bass every Wednesday night at youth group. He was devoted to help bring people to the foot of the cross by way of worship and let me tell you...he did an incredible job!
I say all this to say...I got to know Austin well that summer and hands down...he can make me laugh and love life better than anyone else but after summer...I went to college and Austin was still in high school so we didn't do well keeping in touch but everytime I would see him around I would just smile and laugh awhile because he brings so much joy to everyone he was around. Now that you have the background information...let's move on...
On June 23, 2004...Austin got up out of bed, got ready for work, got in his truck, started the car and headed to work just like any other day but on this particular day...Austin's life would change forever. On his way to work, Austin had a wreck. I remember getting a phone call that morning from Kaleb and I remember his exact words..."Brooke, I am on my way to pick you up, Austin had a wreck, a really bad wreck, and we are going to meet up with people to pray for him."
Isn't it weird how you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you receive a phone call like this...you know...like, I am sure everyone knows exactly where you were when you heard about the Twin Towers on September 11th. Well, this was the first time I heard Austin's name and his name not bring a smile to my face...I had that feeling like Chuck Norris had just did a round off side kick right into my stomach.
Kaleb picked me up and we went to pray with what seemed like everyone in Troup County. Like I said, everyone loves Austin and everyone prayed like I had never seen a group of people pray before. I kept thinking about Austin, I kept thinking about how his parents must have been feeling, I kept thinking about how his family was getting through this, I kept thinking about how his best friends must be handling this news. I never got all of the information about the wreck...I just knew it was bad. We prayed for his sweet parents, family, and best friends, we prayed that God would work a miracle in Austin's life, and we prayed that God's strength would fall upon his family because nothing else could get anyone through a time such as this.
Well...God was on the top of His game working miracles in Austin's life that day and God has continued to work miracles day in and day out through Austin's life ever since. I am not a parent yet but I already love my adopted child that I don't even know more than anyone and anything else in this world and I could not even begin to imagine my child in pain or having to struggle. I can't imagine what Austin has gone through during the past 7 years of his life, I can not imagine the pain he has had to endure to get to where he is today, I can not imagine the heartache and pain his parents have gone through watching their son go through so much pain, therapy sessions, surgeries, and helping him get use to the new normal.
Here is Austin and his incredible parents.
Honestly, I am ashamed to say it but I haven't even spent time with Austin since his wreck but that is definitely going to change. I told him the other day that it is time for us to make more fun memories like we had in Boston and I am most confident he can still make me laugh until I cry.
I do know this about Austin...he is a fighter...he definitely lives up to the verse 2 Timothy 4:7 on a daily basis that says..."I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." His faith is still incredibly strong, everyone still loves him just as they did before, he lets nothing get in his way of continuing to live life to the fullest. I mean seriously...look at this stud...he always has fun!
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I told you he is a stud! |
Austin and Mac Powell from Third Day!
When I think of Austin...I also think of the verses that we all should live by and Austin goes above and beyond to live by these verses everyday that are also in 2 Timothy...
2 Timothy...."1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. 3 Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. 5 Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. 6 The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. 7 Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.
8 Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.We can all learn a lot from Austin...we must be like a good soldier fighting to live life to the fullest and continuing to stand up and protect what we believe in (Austin is still in church every Sunday and Wednesday), we must strive to please God daily, we must be like an athlete in training who works hard to reach the life goals we make for ourselves, and we must be like a hardworking farmer who digs deep into the soil of God's word so that in due time...the fruit of God will grow in your and the life of the people around you so that then everyone can taste and see that the Lord is good just as it says in...
Psalm 34:8 say...
8 Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
The way that Austin lives his life...before and after his wreck...should push us all to live life to the fullest no matter what life throws our way. Through Austin and because he has been and continues to be so diligent in everything he does...we should all be able to see that the Lord is good and that the Lord protects and provides and gives strength to all of His children.
I asked Austin, "What is the biggest life lesson you have learned?" and Austin's response was, "Dont take anything for granted, you never know when it might be taken away. I would give ANYTHING to play my bass now!
One more thing I would like to point out before I end this blog entry...Austin used his talents of playing the bass to glorify God and he would do anything to be able to use his talent again for the glory of God. Join with me in praying that God will work another miracle and that Austin will be able to play bass again real soon. My prayer for all reading is today is that we all become more and more life Austin Belcher.
To Austin...I want you to know that you are still a worship leader at heart and even though you may not be up on stage playing the bass during worship, you lead a life of worship and you are still a worship leader to us. Your life screams out to all of us the real meaning of worship and you still bring us to the foot of the cross so that Jesus can take our hands and lift us up so that we can have sweet communion with the Father. Thank you Austin!
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